Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A year later...

I did not realize that time passes by so quickly! It's been a year since I wrote something. A whole year!! What have I been up to? Well, good news is that God has kept me this far! It has been an interesting year. Many ups, many downs and many middles. There are days I felt I could conquer the world, days I felt like a million bucks, days I felt like throwing in the towel and days that I thought I wouldn't make it. But here I am today, writing this. Isn't God good?!

God has truly kept me throughout 2013. This past Saturday, I attended a concert by Ziada - Zidi the Band and Adawnage band. I must say, it was more than awesome. It has been a while since I actually attended a concert! As we were singing, I looked back at the year and realized just how privileged I am. I welled up with gratitude to God. So much that He has blessed me with. So much that He has done this year. I certainly don't have everything I wish to have, but I have good things in my life. I have been blessed beyond measure. Many, many blessings that have carried me through the year. I am grateful!

Take a look back at 2013. What were the highlights? What were the lowlights? Do you need to forgive someone? Did you work hard? Can you do better? What will you do differently for 2014? Did you lose friends? Did you gain friends? Were you a better person?

Proverbs 3:1-4
The road ahead
"My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. 
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."

Purpose to keep God's word hidden in your heart as you go through the year 2014. If you feel like 2013 was full of many mistakes, purpose to make it right with God and move forward. The road ahead will definitely be made straight by the choices you make today!

Merry Christmas and have a Favor-Full Year 2014!!

Hopefully, 2014 will have a lot more of blogging!! ;-)

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